Our 1st XI currently play in the Schools Championship Grade along with a number of the top school teams. This is a competitive grade where the best youth cricketers play, and is the ultimate goal for a number of our youth cricketers. We often have a number of players gaining representative honours from the 1st XI in the U17 and U19 Canterbury Cricket age group squads and development teams.


The NWYC 2nd XI is the feeder to our 1st XI, and also play in one of the First XI sections / grades. The side is filled with some very talented cricketers working on their pathway to top level youth cricket. The second XI has a range of boy is Years 11, 12, 13 who respect the game and opposition by never giving up. A number of these players will be well positioned to press for 1st XI honours along with challenging other strong teams in the Cup section of youth cricket in Christchurch.


Our 3rd XI is a mix of younger and older players from Year 11 to 13. The side is a great opportunity for the squad to test themselves against other schools at a similar playing level.  This challenge is not wasted on them as it improves their skills and gamesmanship. Many a story is heard from the weekends game and the heroic efforts of players.

NWYC Colts – Year 10

The colts grade in year 10 is seen as a development pathway grade for talented Year 10 players to continued to play cricket with the same aged players while playing against similar competition. This grade is commencement of two day cricket. Some of the most promising Colts players have had opportunities to play in the First XI as replacement cover.

NWYC Year 10

The Year 10 grade is continuation of cricket for boys from Year 9 who are continuing there cricketing development. The Year 10 group will be selected into a Colts and Year 10 grade with some players able to play at Colt level when the chance arises.

NWYC Year 9a

Just in the starting year of youth cricket the Year 9 squad are a group of young cricketers. The is a very short window to select our Year 9 sides, we basically have late registrations and a 2 cricket camp and quite often we have to get information from our main feeder clubs. The Year 9a side is selected as the best Year 9 side and plays against similar opposition.

NWYC Year 9

The balance of players will play in Year 9, sometimes we have late registrations from other schools, however in 2021 we had two sides and these split into mainly Burnside High and Papanui High to give the players at chance to play with each other, we also have request for friends to stay together and we can accommodate that as well.