We were happy to learn the news that Fraser Sheat had been awarded a contract with Canterbury Cricket for the 2020-21 season, but it wasn’t until Sam Gillespie mentioned that he had played for North West Youth Cricket that we thought we would dig a little deeper and ask Fraser about his experience at NWYC.

Fraser Sheat receiving cap #604, 23 October 2017, Photo Credit Canterbury Cricket
Fraser was first awarded his cap #604 for Canterbury in a Ford Trophy match on the 23 October 2017, which doesn’t seem too many years after his first season as Year 9 appearing for North West Youth Cricket 2012, but how did Fraser find his way to NWYC?
“Living in Rangiora and loving cricket, when I left primary school I wanted to attend CBHS, as I saw it as a great place to play cricket, and most importantly for me at the time, to play in the top Year 9 school competition. I missed out on admission into CBHS as I was out of zone, therefore I was to attend Rangiora High School. Despite it being a great school, it didn’t have a good cricket program and my best option would have been to play men’s cricket in North Canterbury. Shortly before the start of high school, Paul O’Brien got in contact with me and asked if I’d like to play cricket for NWYC, a club I’d never heard of, which had a team in the top Year 9 grade in Christchurch.”

“Playing for NWYC was great, I met an entire new group of people, was able to play against the best players my age and continue to develop my skills. I had many fond memories in my two years playing for NWYC, where I played a season for the Year 9 team and half of a season for the 2nd XI and 1st XI. The highlights for me were actually all batting, where I managed to score a century for each of the three teams in the club.” (In addition to this Fraser was also in scoring runs and taking wickets at
The Willows).
“On the move to CBHS in Year 11, I was offered a place as a day boy after unsuccessfully applying the previous two years. Going from NWYC, where the club was small and I knew everyone, CBHS was very daunting. Turning up to the cricket trial, where I knew only a few, I was placed in the 2nd XI for the season. Coincidentally, my first match for CBHS was against NWYC 1st XI, where I frustrated them with a highly unflattering half century.”
“NWYC gave me a window of opportunity for me to play cricket to a standard that I wouldn’t have been able to otherwise, for that I am always grateful!”
We were really grateful that Fraser was more than willing to provide some answers around his time at North West Youth Cricket and we wish him all the best for Canterbury, and success for his Sefton Cricket Club. There is no question that Fraser was a very talented cricketer, however it makes it really worthwhile for all the volunteers, players, supporters to learn that NWYC can provide some cricket pathway for players on their way to first class cricket.
Shane Young